Speciality Chemical - Caprylic/Caprgic Triglyceride

We also deal into caprylic/capric triglyceride, it is derived from coconut oil and glycerin and is considered an excellent emollient and skin-replenishing ingredient. Of note, its mix of fatty acids replenish skin’s surface and help it to resist moisture loss. caprylic/capric triglyceride can also function as a thickener or penetration enhancer, but its chief job is to moisturize and replenish skin. This ingredient’s value for skin is made greater by the fact that it’s considered gentle. as a raw material caprylic/capric triglyceride is clear, non-viscous liquid. It is known to improve to the spreadability of formula. Safety assessments have deemed capric/caprylic triglyceride safe in cosmetic formulations in concentrations below 50%, with reported uses varying between 0.1% to 35%.

Despite what is often purported on the internet skin care advice sites, there is no research showing caprylic/capric triglyceride is “comedogenic” or pore clogging. (This assumption is often tied to its relation to coconut oil.) Theoretically, because its molecular weight of 408 is below 500 Daltons, caprylic/capric triglyceride technically has the ability to penetrate the pore lining, but even that doesn’t inherently mean it will clog pores.